Sustainable Wood Sources
California Classic mission is to add beauty to the world, without compromising its health. That's why we take great care to ensure that all of our hardwood comes from certified green, self renewing sources, where trees are farmed and replanted just like the vegetable you eat. There's no net woodland loss or negative impact on the environment.
California Classic manufacturers are CARB-certified, adhering strictly to the detailed environmental protections, as well as the federal Lacey Act. And, in their manufacturing of California Classics Traditions flooring, nothing is wasted.
Eco-friendly wood finished
The Enviro + Plus finishes we use were developed by Valspar, an established leader in finished that are highly eco-friendly while being durable as well. Our wood finishes are HAPs-free, and give off zero VOC's as well, surpassing all KCMA coatings performance standard and making it one of the greenest finishing systems on the planet.